Let’s Celebrate Spring!

The air is sweet, and the sun is shining – at Hydro produce we love Spring, it is the season we all look forward to most! After the short days of winter, we put away the woollies as the Earth starts warming its toes, and the vegetables start getting sweeter.

We start thinking about summer, holidays, barbecues with friends. More salads, juices, fresh light meals and relaxed easy cooking.

Once Spring has sprung our farms start sending out more leafy greens like our hydroponically grown range of Fancy lettuce, Asian vegetables and Kale.

From November and just in time for summer’s barbecue season our Corn grown in NSW starts coming to market ready to be popped on a grill. We also see our crunchy fresh Cucumber volumes climb, perfect for dips, summer drinks and salads. And herbs, our range of fresh fragrant Herbs grow so fast we can’t pick them quick enough! Add them to every meal.

“Spring is nature’s way of saying let’s party” – Robin Williams


Spring means longer days and loads of sunshine again. Racing, footy finals and long weekends – whatever the reason Spring is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors and entertain friends and family.


Here are some great fresh canapé ideas with a vegetable that’s one our favourites

Little Gem Lettuce. Best described as a miniature version of a Cos lettuce variety but with a much more compact heart, beautiful tender little leaves, sweet in taste from the tip to the tail. Little Gem Lettuce has a perfect cup-like shape the ideal size for a canapé, as an edible container for fillings.

Spring also means summer is just around the corner. It’s time to amp up your health regime – detox, cleanse and nourish from the inside out. Kale is a superfood nutrient filled powerhouse.

Try our Kale juice ideas

Fresh, quick, and healthy – Try our Yum Cha Chinese broccoli with oyster sauce.Asian Vegetables

Asian vegetables are vibrant green and crispy fresh the perfect Spring side dish, a tasty addition to homemade soups, steamed or added to any stir-fry. We grow our Choy Sum; Buk Choy, Pak Choy and Gai Choy in the field and hydroponically. Try these delicious recipes for a quick mid-week greens boost.


Our Herbs are fresh, fragrant and bountiful in Spring. Bursting with delicious flavours and colours – juice them, add them to healthy, crunchy salads, they belong in every meal.

Spring has blossomed at Hydro produce we hope you enjoy this sunfilled time of the year with friends, family and healthy fresh produce.

Did we inspire you?

Don’t be shy – share your creations with us we’d love to see them!  marketing@www.hydroproduce.com.au

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